Crown Lane Primary School & Children's Centre

Crown Lane Primary School

Knowledge Organisers

We use Knowledge Organisers to support the children in their learning.  

A knowledge organiser is a document that contains key facts and information that children should know by the end of a topic/unit of work.

Most knowledge organisers will include:

  • the essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks
  • key vocabulary or technical terms and their meanings
  • images such as maps or diagrams


Science Knowledge Organisers

Term Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and Year 3/4 Year 4/5 and Year 5 Year 6
1 Animals, including humans (senses): Human Body and Senses Living things and their habitats: Local habitats States of matter: Changes of state Animals, including humans: Digestion and food chains Forces: Forces and mechanisms
2 Seasonal Changes Use of everyday materials: Choosing materials

Electricity: Circuits

Light: Can you see me?

States of matter: Changes of state

Properties of materials: Properties and uses of materials

3 Everyday Materials Naming and describing materials

Use of everyday materials: Changing materials

Sound Living things and their habitats: Human Impact on the environment Earth and Space
4 Everyday materials Properties and uses of materials

Plants: Growing seeds and bulbs

Living things and their habitats: Human Impact on the environment



Changes of materials: Separating and changing materials
5 Animals, including humans - Looking at Animals

Animals including humans: Growing up

Animals, including humans: Digestion and food chains Forces: Forces and mechanisms Evolution and inheritance

Plants (Naming parts and classifying plants)

Plants: Growing healthy plants Living things and their habitats: Classification of plants and animals

Properties of materials: Properties and uses of materials

Animals, including humans: Human growth

 Geography Knowledge Organisers

Term  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and Year 3/4 Year 4/5 and Year 5 Year 6

What is it like where we live?

What are the wonders of this world?

How is the Mediterranean the same and different to the UK? 

How are the USA and the UK similar and how are they different? 

How are the USA and the UK similar and how are they different? 


What is it like where we live?

How do seasons look different?

Is it ever cold in Africa?

What journeys do rivers make?  Which area would have a better habitat for this animal?  Which area would have a better habitat for this animal? 
6 What are the UK’s countries like?

Would you rather live in Tanzania or the UK?

What are climate zones and why do they matter? 

Where does our food  

come from?

Where does our food  

come from?

 History Knowledge Organisers

Term  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and Year 3/4 Year 4/5 and Year 5 Year 6
1 How is being a child different now to when my grandparents were young? 

What changed because of Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell?

What impact did the Roman invasion have on Britain? Was Saxon England the same at the end of their 600 years as at the beginning? Was Saxon England the same at the end of their 600 years as at the beginning? 

Is an iPad more fun than the toys my grandparents played with?

Would the Great Fire of London be able to happen today?

How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve? 

What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us?  What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us? 

Why did astronauts risk their lives going to the moon?

How has communication changed since when my grandparents were young? What impact did the Great Exhibition of 1851 have on Crystal Palace? 

 What is the legacy of Windrush? 

 What is the legacy of Windrush? 

 Computing Knowledge Organisers

Term Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and Year 3/4 Year 4/5 and Year 5 Year 6
1 Grouping Data IT Around Us The internet The internet Communication and collaboration