Crown Lane Primary School & Children's Centre

Crown Lane Primary School

Better Start

Better Start Streatham and Norwood

Better Start is a Lambeth wide initiative, which aims to improve the life chances of babies and very young children by making all the necessary support services and information easier to access. The Better Start Programme seeks to improve the social and emotional development, communication and language, diet and nutrition of children in the early years. Streatham & Norwood Better Start Area comprises a cluster of Children’s Centres situated in the South of the Borough of Lambeth.

The service prioritises the needs of young families in the community, embracing its social, cultural and ethnic diversity. We also seek to promote the health and well-being of parents and carers. Our service package therefore includes a range of universal and targeted support for issues relating to parenting, physical and emotional health, finance, housing, benefits, childcare, child health, education and development. Centres are open Mondays to Fridays, 48 weeks a year between 8.00am and 6.00pm to all parents and carers with children under 5. 

Streatham & Norwood Better Start is committed to ensuring that all families have access to relevant information about what is happening in our centres and in the local community. They work in close partnership with other service providers to ensure that families in greatest need are supported to access the services and information they need in order to thrive and make good progress. They can arrange an appointment with you to discuss your concerns in confidence and work with you, making links with other organisations to help you to find the right solutions for your needs.

If there is an issue that they cannot help you with directly, they will provide the necessary support for you to access services ensuring that you receive the right help. Their aim is to bring essential services closer to you, making it easier for you and your family to get the help you need in a welcoming and friendly environment.

If you would like more information about Better Start services, please call in at any of the centres or call 0208 835 9569 or you can send an email to:

For more information click here


Better Start operates across eight sites in Streatham and Norwood as follows:

Benton’s Lane Children’s Centre
18 Benton's Lane, West Norwood, London SE27 9UD
Tel: 0203 409 0704 (opt 2)

Crown Lane Children’s Centre
Crown Lane, London SW16 3HX
Tel: 020 8670 4713

Hillside Gardens
Hillside Gardens Park, SW2 3HJ
(Please use Hitherfield Site telephone Number for enquiries)

Hitherfield Children’s Centre
Hitherfield Road SW16 2LW
Tel: 0208 835 9569

Rosendale Children’s Centre
Rosendale Road SE21 8LY
Tel: 020 8761 7411

Streatham Hub Children’s Centre
388 Streatham High Rd, Streatham, London SW16 6HX
(Please use Hitherfield Site telephone Number for enquiries)

Sunnyhill Children’s Centre
Entrance on Harborough Road, Streatham, London SW16 2XW
Tel: 0208 769 4785 (opt 2)

Streatham Youth and Community Trust (SYCT)
The Hut, Streatham Vale Park, Abercairn Rd, SW16 5AL
Tel: 020 3146 4179


Better Start Norwood Weekly timetable Autumn 2022

Better Start Streatham Weekly timetable Autumn 2022