Phonics and Reading
(Ofsted 2023) "Leaders have prioritised early readind, and this is clear in the ambitious approach to phonics"
We use a programme called Read, Write, Inc to teach phonics to children from Reception up to Year 2. Read, Write, Inc (RWI) is a synthetic phonics programme which is implemented consistently and and rigorously to ensure all children learn to read by the end of Key Stage 1.
Through the RWI programme, children learn how to blend letter sounds together to read and write confidently and fluently. All children from Reception to Year 2 have been individually assessed and placed into small ability groups. Each group is led by either a teacher or teaching assistant who has been trained to deliver the programme.
When using RWI to read, the children will:
- Learn the 44 sounds of the English language and the corresponding letter / letter groups using simple picture prompts
- Learn to read words by using ‘Fred Talk’ (sounding out each sound in the word)
- Read stories featuring the words they have learned to sound out
- Show that they understand what they have read by answering questions
When using RWI to write, the children will:
- Learn to write the letters / letter groups which represent the 44 sounds of the English language
- Learn to write words by using ‘Fred Talk’ (sounding out each sound in the word)
- Write simple sentences
Within the programme children also develop accurate letter formation through the use of rhymes.
RWI is designed for children to progress through at their own pace. We assess every child each term and then move children within groups to ensure they make rapid progress through the programme. Once your child is reading at a secure Year 2 standard, they will complete the phonics programme and begin a spelling and comprehension programme linked to the National Curriculum expectations.
In addition to RWI, all children have a separate English lesson with their whole class. During this lesson they further develop their writing skills alongside speaking and listening and drama activities. Children also develop an understanding of a variety of genres and complete work relating to their topic.
Whole Class Reading
At Crown Lane, we firmly believe in the importance of every child being a reader. Reading skills are critical for children’s development and we aspire for all children to have a love of reading.
Once children have completed the Phonics programme, they take part in a daily Whole Class Reading session. This is a text-rich approach with children reading books together in class with explicit teaching of how to decode, retrieve, infer and understand the text.
In addition to this, children Take Ten to Read each day, which is a ten-minute session when children are able to read a book of their choice. Teachers also regularly read aloud to children. This encourages a real love and enjoyment of reading.
Home School Reading
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children will bring home a book to read for pleasure, to be shared and enjoyed with adults at home. Once the children are able to read simple words, as per the phonics programme, they will start to bring home specific Read Write Inc Book Bag Books which practise the sounds they have been learning in school. As the children progress through the phonics programme, they will also take home a black and white copy of the text they have been reading in class, to reinforce what they have been learning in their groups.
In Key Stage 2, children bring home two books each week. One has been chosen as being an appropriate level for your child and the other is one they have chosen from their class book area to read for enjoyment. These books are changed weekly.
Recommended Reading Lists
Below are suggestions for high-quality books for further reading, if you are looking for ideas:
Recommended Reading for Reception
Recommended Reading for Year 1
Recommended Reading for Year 2
Recommended Reading for Year 3
Recommended Reading for Year 4